In Q1 2023, GM Finally got to second place producing EVs in the US, overtaking Ford! And what do they do with this, but kill the Chevy Bolt and produce a whopping TWO Hummer EVs! But GM has plans to enter Europe again as an EV only brand, and compete… Continue Reading Why is GM Killing the Bolt?! Tesla, Legacy Auto, China, and Profitability

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for free here: Chinese search engine giant and AI leader Baidu has unveiled its sixth-generation fully autonomous vehicle. The Apollo RT6 is an all-electric vehicle that comes with a detachable steering wheel. The new interior design allows for the installation of extra seating, vending… Continue Reading China's Baidu unveils its latest autonomous vehicle, steering wheel optional

Do decent EV SUVs have to cost an an and a leg? Chinese OEM Aiways says no, and has set up an unusual distribution and support network In Germany to get its latest models to the masses. Is this the future of car-buying? ► Liked the video? Let us know… Continue Reading Aiways U5 – Is this Chinese EV SUV value for money?

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