Here are 16 reasons why BYD has skyrocketed so far ahead of their competition to dominate the Chinese electric vehicle market. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below. #byd #evs #electricvehicle Disclaimer: This video is for informational purposes only, it is not professional financial advice. source

In response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine during the past year, hundreds of international businesses have left the country. Russians have been compelled to find alternatives for everything from smartphones to cars as a result. #China #Russia #WION About Channel: WION The World is One News, examines global issues with… Continue Reading Chinese products have flooded Russia after global brands boycott | Latest News | English News | WION

China Collapse: China Auto Sales Fell | Buyers No Longer See Chinese Cars #castle #evergrande #threegorgesdam #chinafloodslatestnewstoday #chinacollapse #3gorgesdam #chinaflood #chinadam #chinaevergrande #threegorgesdamchina #chinaflood2021live #3gorgesdamchina #evergrandecrisis #chinaflood2022 #earthquaketoday #chinadebtcrisis #threegorgesdamcollapselive #chinaeconomy #earthquake #dams #evergrandechina #chinanews #economiccollapse #china #chinafloods #xijinping #damcollapse #chinaearthquake #chinaflood2022live #chineseeconomy #collapse #threegorgesdamcollapse #chinaproperty Tags: castle, evergrande, three… Continue Reading China Collapse: China Auto Sales Fell | Buyers No Longer See Chinese Cars

In the nearly 30 years of domestic auto industry development, China hasn’t been able to overcome the core technical issues of automobiles in the era of internal combustion engines. The rise of the new energy vehicle industry, represented by electric vehicles, had prompted the CCP’s top brass to plan to… Continue Reading Asia's largest new energy automaker goes bankrupt, Why? Warren Buffett reduces stake in China's BYD